Current Issue
  • Volume 15 Issue 6
    A plant individual of Zygophyllum xanthoxylon in the Ulan buh Desert, Inner Mongolia, China. Zygophyllum xanthoxylon is widely distributed in arid and semi-arid regions of Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, central Asia and Australia. In the arid region of northwest China, the species occurs in sandy gravel dunes, hilly slopes, and pediments in desert and semi-desert areas. This species is heterocarpous — single individuals can have as many as five distinct winged seed morphologies, making it ideal for studying the effects of seed morphology and orientation on seed dispersal by wind. Photo taken by Zhiming Xin. See Zhu et al. in this issue.
    Review Article
    Muhammad Ahsan Asghar, Bushra Ahmad, Ali Raza, Bilal Adil, Hafz Hassan Javed, Muhammad Umer Farooq, Abuzar Ghafoor, Muhammad Iftikhar Hussain, Iram Shafq, Hassan Karim, Xin Sun, Wenyu Yang, Gábor Kocsy and Junbo Du
    2022, 15 (6): 1107-1117 .
    Abstract ( 186 )   PDF(pc) (1599KB) ( 121 )   Save

    Plants are frequently exposed to adverse environments during their life span. Among them drought stress is one of the major threats to agricultural productivity. In order to survive in such unstable environment, plants have developed mechanisms through which they recognize the severity of the stress based on the incoming environmental stimuli. To combat the detrimental effects of drought, the plants have evolved various strategies to modulate their physio-hormonal attributes. These strategies that can be modulated by shade and microbes contribute to enhancing tolerance to drought and reducing yield loss. Plant hormones, such as abscisic acid, auxin and ethylene have a major role in the shade- and microbe-associated improvement of drought tolerance through their effects on various metabolic pathways. In this process, the CLAVATA3/EMBRYOSURROUNDING REGION-RELATED 25 peptide has a major role due to its effect on ABA synthesis as shown in our regulatory model.

    Data Paper
    Michael J. O’Brien, Elisa P. Carbonell and Christian Schöb
    2022, 15 (6): 1118-1124 .
    Abstract ( 133 )   PDF(pc) (3398KB) ( 88 )   Save

    The Dehesa ecosystem provides important social and economic values across the Iberian Peninsula. Assessing the temporal dynamics of this system under climate change is important for the maintenance and conservation of these highly valuable ecosystems. Here, we present the baseline data of an observational plot network in the Dehesa that will form the foundation for monitoring long-term dynamics and for experimental manipulations testing the mechanisms driving resilience within the Dehesa. The initial surveys indicate that the forest structure is typical for the Dehesa, which suggests it is an exemplary site for examining temporal dynamics of this ecosystem. We present these initial data to encourage collaborations from international scientists via either direct experimental projects or meta-analyses.

    Meixia Zhang, Yan Luo, Qingquan Meng, Wenxuan Han
    2022, 15 (6): 1125-1132 .
    Abstract ( 164 )   PDF(pc) (571KB) ( 316 )   Save

    Nutrient resorption is a crucial mechanism for plant nutrient conservation, but most previous studies did not consider the leaf-mass loss during senescence due to lack of measured data. This would lead to an underestimation of nutrient resorption efficiency (NuRE), or calculating NuRE of various species based on the average mass loss at plant-functional-group level in the literature, thus affecting its accuracy. Here we measured the leaf-mass loss to correct NuRE with the species-specific mass loss correction factor (MLCF), so as to foster a more accurate calculation of the nutrient fluxes within and between plants and the soil. Green leaves and senesced leaves were collected from 35 dominant woody plants in northern China. Mass of green and senesced leaves were measured to calculate the MLCF at species level. The MLCF was reported for each of the 35 dominant woody plants in northern China. These species averagely lost 17% of the green-leaf mass during leaf senescence, but varied greatly from 1.3% to 36.8% mass loss across the 35 species, or 11.7% to 19.6% loss across the functional types. Accordingly, the MLCF varied from 0.632 to 0.987 across the 35 species with an average value 0.832. The NuRE corrected with MLCF was remarkably increased on the whole (e.g. both the average nitrogen and phosphorus NuRE became about 9% higher, or more accurate), compared with the uncorrected ones, especially in the case of low resorption efficiencies. Our field data provide reliable references for the MLCF of plants in related regions at both species and functional-type levels, and are expected to promote more accurate calculations of NuRE.

    Research Articles
    Bin Lan, Xiaoli Hu, Ying Wang, Shucun Sun
    2022, 15 (6): 1133-1141 .
    Abstract ( 136 )   PDF(pc) (587KB) ( 124 )   Save
    It has been suggested that the importance of network architecture to species diversity and stability should be based on preference networks (comprised of niche differentiations), rather than observational networks, because species abundance may significantly affect interaction frequencies. Considering that resource abundance is usually greater for herbivores than parasites, we hypothesize that the abundance effect is stronger for parasitic than herbivory interactions. To test this hypothesis, we collected 80 quantitative observational networks including 34 herbivorous and 46 parasitic networks from the published literature, and derived preference networks by removing the effects of species abundance. We then determined the network nestedness using both weighted NODF and spectral radius. We also determined species degree distribution, interaction evenness, weighted connectance and robustness for both observational and preference networks. The observational networks (including both herbivory and parasitic networks) were more nested judged by weighted NODF than spectral radius. Preference networks were less nested for parasitic than herbivory networks in terms of both weighted NODF and spectral radius, possibly because removing the abundance effect increased interaction evenness. These trends indicate that the abundance effect on network nestedness is stronger for parasitic than herbivory networks. Weighted connectance and robustness were greater in most preference networks than observational networks, indicating that preference networks may have high network stability and community persistence compared with observational ones. The data indicate that future network analyses should not only address the structural difference between mutualistic and antagonistic interactions, but also between herbivory and parasitic interactions.
    Hua-Feng Wang, Xiaoting Xu, Xia-Lan Cheng, Yunpeng Liu, Ao Luo, Tong Lyu, Wen-Long Wang, Mir Muhammad Nizamani, Zhiheng Wang
    2022, 15 (6): 1142-1153 .
    Abstract ( 194 )   PDF(pc) (1074KB) ( 163 )   Save
    Understanding large-scale patterns of biodiversity and their drivers remains central in ecology. Many hypotheses have been proposed, including hydrothermal dynamic hypothesis, tropical niche conservatism hypothesis, Janzen’s hypothesis and a combination model containing energy, water, seasonality and habitat heterogeneity. Yet, their relative contributions to groups with different lifeforms and range sizes remain controversial, which have limited our ability to understand the general mechanisms underlying species richness patterns. Here we evaluated how lifeforms and species range sizes influenced the relative contributions of these three hypotheses to species richness patterns of a tropical family Moraceae. The distribution data of Moraceae species at a spatial resolution of 50 km × 50 km and their lifeforms (i.e. shrubs, small trees and large trees) were compiled. The species richness patterns were estimated for the entire family, different life forms and species with different range sizes separately. The effects of environmental variables on species richness were analyzed, and relative contributions of different hypotheses were evaluated across life forms and species range size groups. The species richness patterns were consistent across different species groups and the species richness was the highest in Sichuan, Guangzhou and Hainan provinces, making these provinces the hotspots of this family. Climate seasonality is the primary factor in determining richness variation of Moraceae. The best combination model gave the largest explanatory power for Moraceae species richness across each group of range size and life forms followed by the hydrothermal dynamic hypothesis, Janzen’s hypothesis and tropical niche conservatism hypothesis. All these models has a large shared effects but a low independent effect (< 5%), except rare species. These findings suggest unique patterns and mechanisms underlying rare species richness and provide a theoretical basis for protection of the Moraceae species in China.
    Pablo Souza-Alonso, Yaiza Lechuga-Lago, Alejandra Guisande-Collazo, Luís González
    2022, 15 (6): 1154-1167 .
    Abstract ( 96 )   PDF(pc) (1668KB) ( 69 )   Save

    Coastal dunes represent priority habitats for conservation due to the provision of valuable ecosystem services such as land protection, water supply or biodiversity conservation. Soil microbial communities are of crucial importance to maintain plant diversity due to harsh environmental conditions, water limitation and nutrient scarcity. Invasive alien plants represent a major threat to ecosystem conservation. Here, we explored different impacts of Carpobrotus edulis, a succulent plant invading coastal areas worldwide, on the function and structure of bacterial communities. Sand represents a challenging substrate due to low organic matter content and limited microbial activity. We optimized bacterial extraction for functional evaluation before assessing ecosystem impacts produced by C. edulis. We compared 12 extracting procedures combining different soil storage, sample amount and extracting solutions on the functional activity of sand communities through the community-level physiological profile. We further explored the function (using Biolog Ecoplates) and structure [using polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE)] of bacterial communities from dunes invaded by C. edulis. Saline solution consistently increased bacterial cells detected by cytometry (P ≤ 0.001). Principal component analysis suggested a limited temporal framework (0–24 h) in which community function can be explored without significant alterations in C substrate consumption. Changes under C. edulis invasion exhibited a different pattern of C substrate utilization comparing native and non-native zones (interspecific), but also between native zones (intraspecific), suggesting that functional impacts are site-dependent. Complementary, results obtained from PCR-DGGE indicated that the bacterial community structure of native dunes significantly differed from dunes invaded by C. edulis.

    Jenna V Finley, Lonnie W Aarssen
    2022, 15 (6): 1168-1184 .
    Abstract ( 115 )   PDF(pc) (582KB) ( 88 )   Save
    When the shoot apical meristem of plants is damaged or removed, fecundity and/or plant growth may suffer (under-compensation), remain unaffected (compensation) or increase (overcompensation). The latter signifies a potential ‘cost’ of apical dominance. Using natural populations of 19 herbaceous angiosperm species with a conspicuously vertical, apically dominant growth form, we removed (clipped) the shoot apical meristem for replicate plants early in the growing season to test for a potential cost of apical dominance. Clipped and unclipped (control) plants had their near neighbours removed, and were harvested after flowering production had finished but before seed dispersal. Dry mass was measured separately for aboveground body size (shoots), leaves, seeds and fruits; and number of leaves, fruits and seeds per plant were counted. We predicted that: (i) our study species (because of their strong apically dominant growth form) would respond to shoot apical meristem removal with greater branching intensity, and thus overcompensation in terms of fecundity and/or biomass; and (ii) overcompensation is particularly enabled for species that produce smaller but more leaves, and hence with a larger bud bank of axillary meristems available for deployment in branching and/or fruit production. Widely variable compensatory capacities were recorded, and with no significant between-species relationship with leaf size or leafing intensity—thus indicating no generalized potential cost of apical dominance. Overall, the results point to species-specific treatment effects on meristem allocation patterns, and suggest importance for effects involving local variation in resource availability, and between-species variation in phenology, life history traits and susceptibility to herbivory.
    Weitao Wang, Yun Jiang, Yongfa Chen, Wenqi Luo, Dong He, Youshi Wang, Chengjin Chu, Buhang Li
    2022, 15 (6): 1185-1198 .
    Abstract ( 161 )   PDF(pc) (1251KB) ( 146 )   Save
    The concept of nestedness originated from the field of biogeography decades ago and has been widely used in metacommunities and biological interaction networks, but there is still a lack of research within local communities. Moreover, studies on nestedness usually rarely incorporate the functional traits of the species and the environmental characteristics of the sites. In this study, we constructed a species presence–absence matrix of a 50-ha forest plot, used the simulated annealing algorithm to reveal the maximum nested structure and further tested the significance of nestedness patterns by constructing null ensembles. The nested ranks were used to represent the orders of species and quadrats in the maximum nestedness matrix. The regression tree analysis was used to reveal the relationships of nested ranks with environmental factors and functional traits. We found that the co-occurrence pattern of local plant communities was significantly nested. The regression tree results showed that the nested ranks of quadrats were determined by soil available phosphorus, soil water content, soil organic carbon and soil pH. Intraspecific variation of functional traits, including leaf C, leaf pH, leaf dry matter content and maximum photosynthetic rate rather than means of functional traits, provided a better explanation for the formation of species’ nested ranks. Understanding the causes of species and quadrats nested ranks provides novel lens and useful insights into ecological processes underlying nestedness, and further improves our knowledge of how local plant communities are assembled.
    Tong Heng, Xin-Lin He, Guang Yang, Li-Jun Tian, Fa-Dong Li, Li-Li Yang, Li Zhao, Yue Feng, Xuan Xu
    2022, 15 (6): 1213-1226 .
    Abstract ( 181 )   PDF(pc) (1891KB) ( 88 )   Save

    Salt stress is a vital factor limiting nitrogen uptake and cotton growth in arid regions. The mechanisms underlying salt stress tolerance in cotton plants under high soil salinity have not been fully elucidated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the proportion and mechanism of cotton nitrogen uptake under salt stress using the 15N isotope labeling technique. Cotton plants were grown in four undisturbed saline soils (1, 3, 6 and 9 dS m−1), and the experiment was designed using the ENVIRO-GRO (E-G) model. The results showed that the dry matter of roots, stems and leaves of the cotton parts in slightly saline soil (C2, 3 dS m−1) was not significant compared with the non-saline soil (C1, 1 dS m−1). The cotton fruit grown in low-salinity soil (C2, 3 dS m−1) had significantly higher dry matter than that grown in the other treatments, implying that cotton plants grown in 3 dS m−1 soil have the best nitrogen uptake and salt tolerance. Cotton plants grown in weakly (C3, 6 dS m−1) and moderately (C4, 9 dS m−1) saline soils exhibited premature senescence. The distribution of total nitrogen and nitrate content in cotton was the best explanatory variable of total 15N recovery, of which cotton 15N recovery was between 26.1% and 47.2%, and soil 15N recovery was between 7.7% and 14.9%. Our findings provide guidance for further exploitation and utilization of saline soil resources and sustainable development of the agricultural soil ecosystem in arid regions.

    Xinran Ke, Huixing Kang, Yanhong Tang
    2022, 15 (6): 1227-1240 .
    Abstract ( 184 )   PDF(pc) (1840KB) ( 128 )   Save

    Leaf size varies conspicuously within and among species under different environments. However, it is unclear how leaf size would change with elevation, whether there is a general elevational pattern, and what determines the altitudinal variation of leaf size. We thus aimed to address these questions by focusing on the broad-leaved herbaceous species at high altitudes on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. We measured the leaf size, leaf length, leaf width and leaf mass per area for 39 broad-leaved herbaceous species inhabited in the open areas along two mountain slopes from 3200 to 4400 m at the Lenglongling and the Daban Mountain, the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. We analyzed the altitudinal patterns in leaf size in relation to leaf inclination and leaf surface features, and applied a leaf energy balance model to discuss the underlying mechanisms. Leaf size decreased significantly at higher altitudes. The altitudinal reduction of leaf size was mainly attributed to the reduction of leaf length, and differed in different species, and in leaves with different inclination and leaf surface features. A leaf energy balance model with local environmental measurements demonstrates that leaf temperature tracks air temperature more closely in small than in large leaves, and that the leaf-size impact is stronger at higher latitudes. Based on the observational findings, we propose that the distribution upper-limit for broad-leaved herbaceous species would be at an elevation of about 5400 m on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.

    Jing Yao, Nina Chen, Fangqin Guo, Miao Liu, Wei Chen, Xingyuan He
    2022, 15 (6): 1241-1256 .
    Abstract ( 118 )   PDF(pc) (1534KB) ( 76 )   Save

    Urban afforestation is an important strategy for promoting sustainable urban development. In cities where large new green spaces are not available, the planting of curbside trees is deemed to be an important afforestation strategy. However, variations in the ecosystem services provided by street tree assemblages across socioeconomic gradients have been unexplored. We examined such variations in ecosystem services provided by street tree assemblages along an urban–suburban continuum. Our findings were as follows. (i) Not all ecosystem services showed increasing trends along the urban–suburban continuum. Some ecosystem services at the street tree assemblage level, such as air purification and rainfall interception were prominent in areas of high urbanization intensity. (ii) Diverse ecosystem service trends were found in relation to differential characteristics of street trees assemblages. Structural properties of street tree assemblages, such as tree density and age structure, are likely key factors influencing variations. (iii) Although street tree density could partially compensate for the loss of large old trees, the protection of such trees is important because of their close associations with key ecosystem services, such as total carbon storage. To maximize the value of street trees in promoting urban sustainable development, trade-offs among multiple ecosystem services should be integrated within the overall planning process and adjustments of planting regimes.

    Jinlei Zhu , Carsten M. Buchmann and Frank M. Schurr
    2022, 15 (6): 1257-1272 .
    Abstract ( 130 )   PDF(pc) (2262KB) ( 87 )   Save

    Understanding how diaspore (hereafter ‘seed’) morphology and orientation affect secondary seed dispersal by wind is important to link seed dispersal and post-dispersal processes, such as seed lodging, predation and germination. This study aims to describe the effects of seed morphology and orientation on secondary seed dispersal by wind via mechanistic modelling. We extend the mechanistic model of Schurr et al. (2005) in order to describe how secondary seed dispersal by wind is affected by wind conditions, ground surface, seed morphology and orientation. The model simulates the initial landing orientations, dispersal distances and stopping orientations of individual seeds. To parameterize the model, we measured orientation-specific vertical seed projection and seed lift-off velocity (the wind speed at which a seed starts moving on the ground) of the asymmetric seeds of heterocarpous Zygophyllum xanthoxylon, and determined orientation-specific model parameters that depend on properties of seeds and/or the environment. To validate the model, we conducted wind channel experiments in which we released seeds of Z. xanthoxylon onto a sand-coated tar paper, and recorded the initial landing orientations, dispersal distances and stopping orientations of the seeds. The extended model could precisely predict secondary dispersal distance, and explain up to 99% of variation in the observed proportions of seeds which stopped in various orientations. The model predicts that secondary dispersal distance increases with wind speed and decreases with aerodynamic roughness length, and that there might be a positive correlation between dispersal distance and germination success.

    Yang Zhou, Wang-Wang Lv, Shi-Ping Wang, Li-Rong Zhang, Jian-Ping Sun, Li-Li Jiang, Pei-Pei Liu, Qi Wang, Bo-Wen Li, A. Wang, Huan Hong, Su-Ren Zhang, Lu Xia, Nan Ji, Zheng-Xin Xie, Cai-Yun Luo, Zhen-Hua Zhang, Chang-Hui Wang, Jin-Zhi Wang, Ci Yang and Tsechoe Dorji
    2022, 15 (6): 1273-1284 .
    Abstract ( 201 )   PDF   Save

    Fine-root decomposition is a critical process regulating ecosystem carbon cycles and affecting nutrient cycling and soil fertility. However, whether interaction between warming and grazing affects fine-root decomposition is still under-researched in natural grasslands. A two-factorial experiment with asymmetric warming (i.e. daytime vs. nighttime and growing season vs. nongrowing season) and moderate grazing (i.e. about average 50% forage utilization rate) was conducted to explore whether warming and grazing affect fine-root decomposition and loss of nutrients during a 2-year decomposition period in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Both warming and grazing facilitated carbon cycling through increase in fine-root decomposition, and influenced element cycling which varies among elements. The effects of warming and grazing on fine-root decomposition and loss of nutrients were additive. Both warming and grazing significantly increased cumulative percentage mass loss and total organic carbon loss of fine roots during the 2-year experiment. Only warming with grazing treatment reduced percentage nitrogen loss, whereas warming, regardless of grazing, decreased percentage phosphorus loss. Warming and grazing alone increased percentage loss of potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium compared with control. There were no interactions between warming and grazing on fine-root decomposition and loss of nutrients. There was greater temperature sensitivity of decreased phosphorus loss than that of decreased nitrogen loss. Different temperature sensitivities of percentage loss of nutrients from fine-root decomposition would alter ratios of the available nutrients in soils, and may further affect ecosystem structure and functions in future warming.

    Yuan-Yuan Zhao, Zhuo-Ting Li, Ting Xu and An-ru Lou
    2022, 15 (6): 1285-1301 .
    Abstract ( 155 )   PDF   Save

    Plant leaf litter decomposition provides a source of energy and nutrients in forest ecosystems. In addition to traditional environmental factors, the degradation process of litter is also affected by plant functional traits and litter quality. However, at the community level, it is still unclear whether the relative importance of plant traits and litter quality on the litter decomposition rate is consistent. A year-long mixed leaf litter decomposition experiment in a similar environment was implemented by using the litterbag method in seven typical forest types in Dongling Mountain, Beijing, North China, including six monodominant communities dominated by Juglans mandshurica, Populus cathayana, Betula dahurica, Betula platyphylla, Pinus tabuliformis and Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii and one codominant community dominated by Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Quercus mongolica and Tilia mongolica. The results showed that there were considerable differences in the litter decomposition rate (k-rate) among the different forest types. The community weighted mean (CWM) traits of green leaves and litter quality explained 35.60% and 9.05% of the k-rate variations, respectively, and the interpretation rate of their interaction was 23.37%, indicating that the CWM traits and their interaction with litter quality are the main factors affecting the k-rate variations. In the recommended daily allowance, leaf nitrogen content, leaf dry matter content, leaf tannin content and specific leaf area were the main factors affecting the k-rate variations. Therefore, we suggest that future studies should focus on the effects of the CWM traits of green leaves on litter decomposition at the community level.

    Jiangshan Lai, Yi Zou, Shuang Zhang, Xiaoguang Zhang and Lingfeng Mao
    2022, 15 (6): 1302-1307 .
    Abstract ( 593 )   PDF   Save

    Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) have been widely used in contemporary ecology studies. However, determination of the relative importance of collinear predictors (i.e. fixed effects) to response variables is one of the challenges in GLMMs. Here, we developed a novel R package, glmm.hp, to decompose marginal R2 explained by fixed effects in GLMMs. The algorithm of glmm.hp is based on the recently proposed approach ‘average shared variance’ i.e. used for multivariate analysis. We explained the principle and demonstrated the use of this package by simulated dataset. The output of glmm.hp shows individual marginal R2s that can be used to evaluate the relative importance of predictors, which sums up to the overall marginal R2. Overall, we believe the glmm.hp package will be helpful in the interpretation of GLMM outcomes.

    Jeremy J. Midgley
    2022, 15 (6): 1308-1311 .
    Abstract ( 119 )   PDF   Save

    This article is a commentary on Liu et al. (2021).

    In their recent review in this journal, Liu et al. (2021) argue that sexual differences in the allocation to reproduction by male and female plants may cause sexual differences in their responses to biotic (e.g. herbivory) and abiotic stress (e.g. moisture stress). Their general argument is that the nett reproductive costs are higher for females because they not only flower but must also produce fruits/cones/seeds (their Figure 3). They suggest (their Figure 2) that females can ameliorate their higher costs of reproduction such as by maximizing resource acquisition and resource gain. Many other previous reviews have also argued for higher female costs (Barrett and Hough 2013; Barrett et al. 2010; Juvany and Munné-Bosch 2015; Obeso 2002). My aims in this commentary are (i) to note that theory predicts equal sexual allocation to reproduction, (ii) to argue that some of examples cited by Liu et al. (2021) do not suggest the theory is incorrect and finally, (iii) to provide a Cape (South Africa) perspective to show that differences in allocation cannot be invoked ad hoc to explain vegetative or other differences between the sexes. Vegetative differences between the sexes must ultimately be related to differences in sexual function, as is the case in animals, and not to differences in nett allocation to reproduction.

    There are many reasons why the sexes should allocate equally. Firstly, at the most basic level evolution is about fitness, thus the life of all males and females is ultimately, equally and totally allocated to reproduction. Secondly, in biparental organisms (with limited in-breeding) because the genetic benefits of sex are an almost equal contribution to the genome of the off-spring, theory predicts that the sex ratio should be equal (Hamilton 1967). Also, because the genetic benefits of sexual reproduction are equal, the ‘costs’ or allocation must be equal (or else one sex is cheating). Say males allocated less to reproduction, they would have more resources to allocate to vegetative growth and thus grow larger or live longer, none of which would benefit them unless it ultimately contributed to their fitness via reproduction, in which case this increased vegetative growth is a reproductive allocation. Liu et al. (2021) acknowledge the expectation of sexual equality in allocation but then proceed to use nett allocation differences to explain the interesting differences they noted between the sexes.

    In animals there is no clear difference between vegetative and sexual traits. For example, the brain is also a sexual organ needed for mating success and therefore it is meaningless to compare male and female allocation to reproduction, because it must include the lifetime of the entire individual. Male allocation is clearly not limited to the sex organs. It is an illusion that clear differences between vegetative and sexual allocation exist in plants. For example, the architecture of plants must simultaneously serve sexual purposes for pollen dispersal, pollen capture, seed dispersal as well as for vegetative purposes such as capturing light. There are correlations (Corners Rules) between the sizes of leaves, branches and inflorescences and plant architecture (such as degree of branching) which indicate that selection on any one of these traits will affect the others (e.g. Midgley et al. 2019). This makes it difficult to determine whether allocation is to reproduction or not. The size of a branch and its associated hydraulics (such as xylem size) is determined by both its associated flowers and leaves. Also, unlike the case in many animals, the sexes in many plant species cannot avoid competing and thus they need to be competitively equal to prevent distorting sex ratios, especially to male dominated populations. In animals, stark differences between the sexes (e.g. size, colour and ornaments) are explained by factors such as sexual selection, rather than unequal allocation to reproduction. The same explanations should apply to plants.

    The argument that the costs of reproduction may differ between the sexes in plants continues because it is difficult to measure, even on subsequent growth, and to quantify across their entire lifetime. For instance, for direct costs there is the issue of which currency to use (which limiting nutrients) and the fact that the sexes allocate differently in time with males typically making an earlier commitment (Obeso 2002). For indirect evidence of the costs of reproductive allocation, such as the impact on size and sex ratios, there too are problems such as the role of natal sex ratios, clonality, age and sex determination effects (e.g. certation).

    Liu et al. (2021) cite two references in support of the hypothesis of higher direct costs of reproduction of females and both are problematic. Firstly, Leigh and Nicotra (2003) argued that female allocation was about 10 times that of males in their study taxon. However, they found no differences in size or sex ratios or long-term water use patterns in their study taxa. It is highly unlikely that such large direct allocation differences will have no indirect impacts such as on growth, mortality or have no eco-physiological consequences. Leigh and Nicotra (2003) used biomass as their currency of allocation (not nutrient contents as advised by Obeso 2002) and they measured biomass when fruits were ripe, i.e. when pollen (which has low biomass but high nutrients) had already been shed; these factors may inflate the female contribution. In the second cited paper, Bañuelos et al. (2004) investigated differences in herbivory between the sexes. However, although they found secondary chemistry differences, they found no sexual differences in degree of herbivory and thus this paper does not support the higher costs hypothesis. Liu et al. (2021) state that ‘as discussed in the study of Juvany and Munné-Bosch (2015), higher reproductive investment in females may cause a decrease in the energy invested into growth and defense, thus reducing stress tolerance’. However, two of the papers cited by Juvany and Munné-Bosch (2015) to indicate higher costs of female reproduction, Leigh and Nicotra (2003), as well as Pickering and Arthur (2003) also used the largely discredited biomass allocation methodology rather than nutrient contents. Like Leigh and Nicotra (2003), Pickering and Arthur (2003) also found that the total biomass of male and female plants was similar, suggesting no nett differences in the cost of reproduction. The point here is that the evidence that the direct costs of reproduction differ between the sexes is weak and paradoxically some of the cited papers suggest that there are no indirect costs.

    Liu et al. (2021) cite Yule and Burns (2019) who argued that male Aristotelia serrata plants have higher levels of sap herbivory than females and this is because males have more resources than females. If males have extra resources, why then are males not better defended? If females had been more heavily infested by larvae would the ad hoc explanation be that they had fewer resources to allocate to defence? A recent large meta-analysis found no consistent differences in herbivory, chemical defences and the sexes in dioecious plants (Sargent and McKeough 2022). These authors found that as the sample of studies increased the sexual differences dwindled. This is in line with the initial studies focussing on outliers. The same might apply to sex ratios, with initially only unequal sex ratios being seen as interesting. In the Cape (South Africa) dioecious plants are extremely abundant and can dominate entire mountainsides. Despite this abundance there have only been three published measurements of adult sex ratios and one of adult size ratios (Midgley and Cramer 2022) and here ratios were equal. I suggest that the lack of studies is because populations appear to be 1:1 in size and number and are thus considered relatively uninteresting.

    Based on Olano et al. (2017), Liu et al. (2021) argue that differences between males and females in water and carbon requirements lead to females being less water stress tolerant than males. Olano et al. (2017) showed anatomical differences between males and females in Juniperus, which they interpreted as being due to higher reproductive allocation by females. However, they provided no field data to verify any nett differences in moisture stress. This is relevant because as noted below, males and females may have different phenology. For example, in the dioecious Cape Restionaceae, water use efficiency (WUE, as measured using δ13C) can differ between the sexes with females being less WUE (Araya et al. 2010). This was interpreted ad hoc as the physiological consequence of higher female allocation to reproduction (Araya et al. 2010). van Blerk et al. (2022) using actual water use measurements as well as fine scale δ13C measurements between the sexes of a Cape Restionaceae species, showed that these differences were not due to inherent differences in WUE, but were due to the different phenology of male and female culm growth (males grow earlier and allocate more fully to reproduction earlier, when soils are drier). They concluded that earlier growth is more costly to males, but because culms of both sexes reached the same size, there was no nett difference between the sexes. The same phenological difference applies to extremely vegetatively different sexes in Leucadendron rubrum, where female leaves can be up to 10 times larger than males. Harris and Pannell (2010) suggested that females had greater hydraulic efficiency than males and that this was due to greater reproductive costs in cone-bearing females. However, WUE and nett hydraulic differences do not differ between the sexes (Midgley 2010; Roddy et al. 2019). In part this may be because males commit to reproduction and growth early when conditions are dry and hot (November–March) whereas females grow and produce seeds in the cooler, moister period (January–May) (de Kock et al. 1994). Thus, males and females may be different (e.g. vegetatively, phenologically) but that there is no nett difference in resource use and there is no evidence that one sex allocates more to reproduction than the other.

    A better direct test for the differences in allocation is whether females in dioecious species produce double the recruits as do co-occurring hermaphrodites. Say males allocate y units to reproduction and females x units. For a dioecious female to have the same fitness with its allocation to reproduction (x + y), compared with two hermaphrodites (2x), would imply that male and female allocation is the same (x + y = 2x). Bruijning et al. (2017) showed no differences in reproductive output and population growth rate (fitness) of dioecious versus hermaphroditic taxa in the large, detailed and long-term Barro Colorado Forest data set. They assumed (and largely found) 1:1 sex ratio and that dioecious females produced double the fruit/seed load of hermaphrodites. This indicates no direct (e.g. fecundity) or indirect (e.g. mortality) costs of female reproduction. It is to be expected that dioecious and hermaphrodite forest species that coexist, must have the same overall fitness and therefore that dioecious females have the same fitness as two hermaphrodites. In the fire-prone Cape fynbos vegetation, most Proteaceae species die in fires and recruit immediately after fires as seedlings and this includes hermaphrodite (e.g. Protea) and dioecious taxa (e.g. Leucadendron, Aulax). They must have the same fitness or else the situation would be unstable (Midgley et al. 2019). In conclusion, we should be sceptical of studies which show, or invoke ad hoc, differences in nett allocation to reproduction between the sexes in plants. It is not expected, impossible to measure and meaningless.


    I thank Steve Johnson (UKZN), Mike Cramer (UCT) and Joe White (RBGK) for comments.

    Conflict of interest statement. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

    Miao Liu, Helena Korpelainen and Chunyang Li
    2022, 15 (6): 1312-1315 .
    Abstract ( 90 )   PDF   Save

    In the comment, Midgley (2022) stated that our general argument is that ‘the net reproductive costs are higher for females because they not only flower but must also produce fruits/cones/seeds (Figure 3). Midgley (2022) suggests (Figure 2) that females can ameliorate their higher costs of reproduction by maximizing resource acquisition and resource gain’. However, in our review, we summarized the general opinion and pointed out that this pattern was not universal (see more detail in Liu et al. 2021b). In consistent with previous reviews, our review argues that there is no widespread rule in sex-related differences in the cost of reproduction despite the general opinion that females have higher reproductive costs than males (Darwin 1877; Liu et al. 2021b; Lloyd and Webb 1977). We summarized possible factors causing biased sex ratios in plants, rather than only underpinning the higher net reproductive costs in females than in males (Liu et al. 2021b). Similarly, we proposed possible mechanisms causing sexual differences in responses to biotic stress, rather than underpinning the higher net reproductive costs in females than in males (Liu et al. 2021b), which is also adapted from Núñez-Farfán and Valverde (2020).

    Despite the widespread view that reproductive costs of plants are higher in females than in males, different results have also been reported in the literature (Delph and Bell 2008; Leigh 2006). In our review, we discussed the relative reproductive costs of the sexes in a specific plant species and condition, but did not compare the absolute reproductive cost of males and females throughout their life history (Liu et al. 2021b). Moreover, we explained that there was no uniform view of the reproductive costs of females and males (Liu et al. 2021b). This is different from the statement that the reproductive cost must be the same in the two sexes (Midgley 2022).

    It has been proposed that the estimate of reproductive costs in males and females may differ in their temporal allocation patterns, such that females may possess great compensation mechanisms in the production of fruits (Sánchez-Vilas 2011; Zunzunegui et al. 2006). For example, males may have higher reproductive costs than females during flowering due to the large cost of pollen and flowers, but the reproductive cost of females may be higher than that of males due to the great investment in the production of fruits (Sánchez-Vilas and Retuerto 2011; Zunzunegui et al. 2006). Additionally, females have been suggested to have larger roots in absolute terms, while males allocate more biomass towards roots at later stages of plant growth (Oñate et al. 2012). These studies emphasized the important roles of the absolute and relative sink and source in reproductive costs, and the timing of resource deployment in sexual dimorphism in the annual plant Mercurialis annua (Vilas 2011). Overall, it is important to generate large-scale data about the reproductive investment in females and males, including the roles of multiple interacting factors, taking into account sexual differences in the intensity, frequency and developmental stage of reproductive events (Juvany and Munné-Bosch 2016; Retuerto et al. 2018).

    In addition, Midgley (2022) states that ‘the costs of reproduction may differ between the sexes is controversial because it is difficult to measure, and it is also contrary to theory’. Is it this why the author suggested that there was no difference in reproductive costs between females and males? The author cited references from Leigh and Nicotra (2003), and argued that ‘It is highly unlikely that such large direct allocation differences will have no indirect impacts such as on growth, mortality, or have no eco-physiological consequences’. Doust (1989) has proposed that, based on the resource allocation theory, reproduction can directly compete with defense responses and vegetative growth when the resources are limited, which implies that resource allocation is associated with plant species and nutrient traits (Juvany and Munné-Bosch 2016; Liu et al. 2021a, 2021b).

    Several studies have indicated that sex-specific functional traits would be strongly affected by environmental factors (Guo et al. 2022; Liu et al. 2021c, 2022a, 2022b; Yu et al. 2020, 2022; Zhang et al. 2021). As discussed above, the observed annual growth rates are indeed equivalent in both sexes, which implies a potential compensation mechanism (Case and Ashman 2005). Therefore, it is possible that there are no indirect impacts on traits, such as growth and mortality, between females and males when the spatial and temporal allocation dynamics, resource availability and diversity of species are taken into account over the whole growing season and even over the whole life-cycle of perennial plant species (Retuerto et al. 2018).

    As discussed above, there may be a tradeoff between production, growth and defense in dioecious plant species (Doust 1989; Juvany and Munné-Bosch 2016). The allocation of resources in plants is considered to be affected by many factors, such as plant genotypes and environmental factors (Ackerly 1997; Bazzaz 1997; Liu et al. 2020b; Schultz et al. 2013). The higher resources of males do not represent most of the resources needed to be used for defending as proposed by Midgley (2022). If males have extra resources, why would they need extra resources to defend better? In consistent with previous reviews, there has been no generalization for sexually biased herbivores, which are associated with morphological and physiological traits, reproductive periods, food selection by the herbivores, which need to be clarified in future studies (Barrionuevo et al. 2021; Liu et al. 2021b; Pereira et al. 2020). In our review, we only summarized recent views about sex-specific herbivores and attempted to provide possible explanations according to existing studies (Liu et al. 2021b). Biased sex ratios have been reported to be associated with reproductive costs, mortality, sex choice and sex-specific responses to different environmental conditions (Field et al. 2013; Harris and Pannell 2008; Stehlik and Barrett 2005). Thus, sex ratios in plant populations may reflect species coexistence and resource unitization (Queenborough et al. 2007). At the same time, sex ratios may be biased due to potentially reproductive individuals, which may not be completely censured over several flowering seasons (Queenborough et al. 2007). We do not fully agree with the author’s statement ‘I suggest that the lack of studies is because populations appear to be 1:1 in size and number and are thus considered relatively uninteresting’ by Midgley (2022).

    It has been reported that females and males usually exhibit sex-specific responses to abiotic and biotic stresses (Liu et al. 2020a, 2020b, 2021b, 2021d; Retuerto et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2021). Of course, under certain conditions, there are no sexual differences in certain traits between females and males (Chen et al. 2014; de la Bandera et al. 2008; Varga and Kytöviita 2012). In our previous paper, we summarized that sex-specific differences were greater in response to drought stress, and that the sexes showed slight or little difference under optimal water supply (Chen et al. 2014; Olano et al. 2017). In the study by Olano et al. (2017), the authors selected populations occurring in two contrasting sites, which represented the extremes of the climatic range on the Iberian Peninsula. Therefore, we cannot conclude that there are no field data to verify any net differences in moisture stress, as stated in the comment by Midgley (2022). Moreover, sexually different responses may exist at a particular point of time, but we did not emphasize the existence of absolutely unequal net allocation differences in reproduction (Liu et al. 2021b).

    Differences in hydraulic efficiency between plants are largely dependent on the plant species, stress degree and plant growth and development periods (Barbara and Stefan 2009; Gao et al. 2021; Liu et al. 2022b). We did not make the absolute statement about the differences in hydraulic efficiency between females and males in our review (Liu et al. 2021b). In the commentary paper by Midgley (2022), the author argued ‘Also, because the genetic benefits of sexual reproduction are equal, the “costs” or allocation must be equal (or else one sex is cheating)’. We would suggest the author to give some evidence to support his argument. Moreover, we did not use net allocation differences to explain the interesting differences between the sexes. Instead, we reviewed previous studies for possible mechanisms behind sexual differences between the sexes (Liu et al. 2021b).

    We noticed that the author acknowledged the difficulty to compare male and female allocation to reproduction (Midgley 2022). However, this does not exclusively mean that the costs of reproduction differ between the sexes. Moreover, we did not suggest that it was meaningless to compare male and female allocation to reproduction (Liu et al. 2021b). Estimates of the sex ratio and cost of reproduction in plant populations have important implications for resource use by animals, reserve design and mechanisms of species coexistence, as well as implications for potential cascading consequences of skewed sex ratios on the structure and stability of ecosystem communities (Hultine et al. 2016; Queenborough et al. 2007). However, these issues have been rarely investigated. In conclusion, consistent with our and other previous reviews, the results of the presence or lack of differences in reproductive costs between females and males are not uniform, and they are dependent on plant species, and spatial and temporal allocation patterns. Finally, we did not argue that it is meaningless to study relative reproductive costs between the sexes in plant species (Hultine et al. 2016; Juvany and Munné-Bosch 2016; Liu et al. 2021b).


    This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (U1803231).

    Conflict of interest statement. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

    Pu Wang, Lijuan Liu, Bi-Cheng Dong, Wen-Hao Zhang and Bernhard Schmid
    2022, 15 (6): 1316-1323 .
    Abstract ( 105 )   PDF   Save

    Journal of Plant Ecology (JPE) was founded in 2008. It is sponsored by the Botanical Society of China and the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and published by Oxford University Press, UK. JPE publishes diverse types of articles that fall into the broad scope of plant ecology, including plant ecophysiology, population ecology, community ecology, ecosystem ecology, landscape ecology, conservation ecology, evolutionary ecology, theoretical ecology and global change ecology.

    JPE has transferred to fully Open Access since July 2021, making the full text freely available for readers and authors. JPE serves as an important medium for plant ecologists worldwide to publish their research findings. Here, we present a bibliometric analysis (Aria and Cuccurullo 2017) to visualize the publication statistics and the document network of research papers published in JPE during 2017–2021.

    The raw dataset was downloaded from the Web of Science Core Collection on 18 October 2022, including the fields author, title, journal title, cited frequency, abstract, address, affiliation, publication type, author keywords, keywords plus, Web of Science category, research field, references and the number of references. The raw data were manually cleaned, duplicated and items not related to research (4 editorials, 3 corrigenda, 2 commentaries and 1 data paper) removed, resulting in 472 items (466 research articles and 6 review articles) that could be further analyzed. All analyses were conducted using R v.4.2.1 (R Core Team 2022).

    Publication overview of JPE

    During 2017–2021, JPE published an average of 96 articles annually and had an acceptance rate of 28.2% (Table 1). From the start of JPE in 2008 up to the study period, both the number of submissions and the number of published articles tripled (Schmid et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2020c). In addition to the traditional research and review papers, JPE has also published data papers, method papers as well as perspective and commentary papers (Fig. 1).

    Table 1:

    Overview of published article and submission statistics of JPE during 2017–2021

    Year No. of issues No. of published articles No. of submissions No. of accepted articles Acceptance rate in % Days to final decision
    2017  98  214  51  23.8  85 
    2018  91  253  63  24.9  66 
    2019  101  250  61  24.4  70 
    2020  92  400  138  34.5  77 
    2021  97  342  118  34.5  72 
    Year No. of issues No. of published articles No. of submissions No. of accepted articles Acceptance rate in % Days to final decision
    2017  98  214  51  23.8  85 
    2018  91  253  63  24.9  66 
    2019  101  250  61  24.4  70 
    2020  92  400  138  34.5  77 
    2021  97  342  118  34.5  72 
    Table 1:

    Overview of published article and submission statistics of JPE during 2017–2021

    Year No. of issues No. of published articles No. of submissions No. of accepted articles Acceptance rate in % Days to final decision
    2017  98  214  51  23.8  85 
    2018  91  253  63  24.9  66 
    2019  101  250  61  24.4  70 
    2020  92  400  138  34.5  77 
    2021  97  342  118  34.5  72 
    Year No. of issues No. of published articles No. of submissions No. of accepted articles Acceptance rate in % Days to final decision
    2017  98  214  51  23.8  85 
    2018  91  253  63  24.9  66 
    2019  101  250  61  24.4  70 
    2020  92  400  138  34.5  77 
    2021  97  342  118  34.5  72 
    Figure 1:

    The annual publications in JPE during 2017–2021.

    Most productive authors, countries and institutions for papers published in JPE

    During 2017–2021, a total of 1890 authors published their works in JPE. The 10 most prolific authors come from three different countries and six of them obtained more than 100 citations (Table 2a). Among all articles, 229 are from institutions in China, accounting for 48.5% of the total publications in the journal. These articles received 1365 citations (Table 2b).

    Table 2:

    Top contributors of articles in JPE during 2017–2021

    Item NP h-index g-index TC
    (a) Most productive authors (country) 
    Schmid B (Switzerland)  13  11  13  384 
    Bruelheige H (Germany)  10  10  263 
    Yu FH (China)  67 
    Li Y (China)  120 
    Zhang Y (China)  27 
    Fang JY (China)  57 
    Ma KP (China)  115 
    Fischer M (Switzerland)  165 
    Niklaus PA (Switzerland)  267 
    Li W (China)  34 
    (b) Most productive countries 
    China  229      1365 
    USA  43      200 
    Brazil  26      177 
    Germany  25      343 
    Spain  23      126 
    Australia  12      63 
    Canada  11      69 
    Czech Republic      130 
    Italy      84 
    Switzerland      170 
    (c) Most productive institutions 
    University of Chinese Academy Sciences  72       
    Chinese Academy of Sciences  53       
    Peking University  51       
    Institute of Botany, CAS  48       
    University of Zurich  20       
    German Center Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiV)  18       
    Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS  18       
    Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS  15       
    The University of Lavras  15       
    Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg  14       
    Item NP h-index g-index TC
    (a) Most productive authors (country) 
    Schmid B (Switzerland)  13  11  13  384 
    Bruelheige H (Germany)  10  10  263 
    Yu FH (China)  67 
    Li Y (China)  120 
    Zhang Y (China)  27 
    Fang JY (China)  57 
    Ma KP (China)  115 
    Fischer M (Switzerland)  165 
    Niklaus PA (Switzerland)  267 
    Li W (China)  34 
    (b) Most productive countries 
    China  229      1365 
    USA  43      200 
    Brazil  26      177 
    Germany  25      343 
    Spain  23      126 
    Australia  12      63 
    Canada  11      69 
    Czech Republic      130 
    Italy      84 
    Switzerland      170 
    (c) Most productive institutions 
    University of Chinese Academy Sciences  72       
    Chinese Academy of Sciences  53       
    Peking University  51       
    Institute of Botany, CAS  48       
    University of Zurich  20       
    German Center Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiV)  18       
    Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS  18       
    Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS  15       
    The University of Lavras  15       
    Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg  14       

    NP = number of publications, TC = total citation. h-index: a scientist has index h if h of his/her Np papers have at least h citations each, and the other (Np-h) papers have no more than h citations each (Hirsch 2005); g-index: given a set of articles ranked in decreasing order of the number of citations that they received, the g-index is the unique largest number such that the top g articles received together at least g2 citations (Egghe 2006).

    Table 2:

    Top contributors of articles in JPE during 2017–2021

    Item NP h-index g-index TC
    (a) Most productive authors (country) 
    Schmid B (Switzerland)  13  11  13  384 
    Bruelheige H (Germany)  10  10  263 
    Yu FH (China)  67 
    Li Y (China)  120 
    Zhang Y (China)  27 
    Fang JY (China)  57 
    Ma KP (China)  115 
    Fischer M (Switzerland)  165 
    Niklaus PA (Switzerland)  267 
    Li W (China)  34 
    (b) Most productive countries 
    China  229      1365 
    USA  43      200 
    Brazil  26      177 
    Germany  25      343 
    Spain  23      126 
    Australia  12      63 
    Canada  11      69 
    Czech Republic      130 
    Italy      84 
    Switzerland      170 
    (c) Most productive institutions 
    University of Chinese Academy Sciences  72       
    Chinese Academy of Sciences  53       
    Peking University  51       
    Institute of Botany, CAS  48       
    University of Zurich  20       
    German Center Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiV)  18       
    Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS  18       
    Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS  15       
    The University of Lavras  15       
    Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg  14       
    Item NP h-index g-index TC
    (a) Most productive authors (country) 
    Schmid B (Switzerland)  13  11  13  384 
    Bruelheige H (Germany)  10  10  263 
    Yu FH (China)  67 
    Li Y (China)  120 
    Zhang Y (China)  27 
    Fang JY (China)  57 
    Ma KP (China)  115 
    Fischer M (Switzerland)  165 
    Niklaus PA (Switzerland)  267 
    Li W (China)  34 
    (b) Most productive countries 
    China  229      1365 
    USA  43      200 
    Brazil  26      177 
    Germany  25      343 
    Spain  23      126 
    Australia  12      63 
    Canada  11      69 
    Czech Republic      130 
    Italy      84 
    Switzerland      170 
    (c) Most productive institutions 
    University of Chinese Academy Sciences  72       
    Chinese Academy of Sciences  53       
    Peking University  51       
    Institute of Botany, CAS  48       
    University of Zurich  20       
    German Center Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiV)  18       
    Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS  18       
    Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS  15       
    The University of Lavras  15       
    Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg  14       

    NP = number of publications, TC = total citation. h-index: a scientist has index h if h of his/her Np papers have at least h citations each, and the other (Np-h) papers have no more than h citations each (Hirsch 2005); g-index: given a set of articles ranked in decreasing order of the number of citations that they received, the g-index is the unique largest number such that the top g articles received together at least g2 citations (Egghe 2006).

    The authors of articles published in JPE during 2017–2021 are from 618 institutions. The top 10 institutions in terms of number of publications are shown in Table 2c. The Chinese Academy of Sciences system is the most productive institution, which includes the University of Chinese Academy Sciences, Institute of Botany, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research and Institute of Applied Ecology. It is then followed by Peking University and the University of Zurich (Table 2c).

    Most cited articles of JPE

    The 10 most cited papers among the published papers in JPE during 2017–2021 and 2020–2021 are presented in Table 3. Among the first set, most papers were published in 2017, and two were published in 2018 (Gioria et al. 2018; Rodrigues et al. 2018) (Table 3a). In particular, the special issue on ‘Biodiversity–Ecosystem Functioning’ in 2017, including 24 research articles and 1 editorial, received high citations. Six articles from this special issue ranked among the 10 most highly cited papers from 2017–2021 (Bu et al. 2017; Huang et al. 2017; Li et al. 2017; Schmid et al. 2017; Scholten et al. 2017; Sun et al. 2017). To evaluate the performance of recently published papers in JPE, we also analyzed the 10 most highly cited articles within the past 2 years (2020–2021; Table 3b). Two articles published during this period are included in top 10 list for the entire period 2017–2021 with citation-per-year values of 7.33 (Li et al. 2020) and 6.50 (Liu et al. 2021), respectively.

    Table 3:

    Top-cited articles published in JPE

    TC Title Authors (year) CPY
    (a) Articles published during 2017–2021 
    73  On the combined effect of soil fertility and topography on tree growth in subtropical forest ecosystems—a study from SE China  Scholten et al. (2017)  12.172 
    62  A guide to analyzing biodiversity experiments  Schmid et al. (2017)  10.333 
    61  Timing is everything: does early and late germination favor invasions by herbaceous alien plants?  Gioria et al. (2018)  12.201 
    47  Spatial variations in responses of vegetation autumn phenology to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau  Cong et al. (2017)  7.834 
    46  Positive effects of tree species diversity on litterfall quantity and quality along a secondary successional chronosequence in a subtropical forest  Huang et al. (2017)  7.675 
    46  Positive effects of tree species richness on fine-root production in a subtropical forest in SE-China  Sun et al. (2017)  7.675 
    38  The effect of tree size, neighborhood competition and environment on tree growth in an old-growth temperate forest  Zhang et al. (2017)  6.339 
    35  Interspecific and intraspecific variation in specific root length drives aboveground biodiversity effects in young experimental forest stands  Bu et al. (2017)  5.8310 
    33  Crown and leaf traits as predictors of subtropical tree sapling growth rates  Li et al. (2017)  5.50 
    32  The influence of soil on vegetation structure and plant diversity in different tropical savannic and forest habitats  Rodrigues et al. (2018)  6.408 
    (b) Articles published during 2020–2021 
    22  Spatiotemporal variation in leaf size and shape in response to climate  Li et al. (2020)  7.336 
    14  Species-specific responses to drought, salinity and their interactions in Populus euphratica and P. pruinosa seedlings  Yu et al. (2020)  4.67 
    14  Effects of warming on soil respiration during the non-growing seasons in a semiarid temperate steppe  Miao et al. (2020)  4.67 
    13  Sexual differences and sex ratios of dioecious plants under stressful environments  Liu et al. (2021)  6.507 
    13  Contrasting responses of native and alien plant species to soil properties shed new light on the invasion of dune systems  Vitti et al. (2020)  4.33 
    11  The role of soluble sugars during drought in tropical tree seedlings with contrasting tolerances  O’Brien et al. (2020)  3.67 
    10  Interactive effect of climate warming and nitrogen deposition may shift the dynamics of native and invasive species  Ren et al. (2021)  5.00 
    10  Trans-generational effects in the clonal invader Alternanthera philoxeroides  Portela et al. (2020)  3.33 
    Congeneric invasive versus native plants utilize similar inorganic nitrogen forms but have disparate use efficiencies  Yu and He (2021)  4.50 
    The ultraviolet colour component enhances the attractiveness of red flowers of a bee-pollinated plant  Chen et al. (2020)  3.00 
    TC Title Authors (year) CPY
    (a) Articles published during 2017–2021 
    73  On the combined effect of soil fertility and topography on tree growth in subtropical forest ecosystems—a study from SE China  Scholten et al. (2017)  12.172 
    62  A guide to analyzing biodiversity experiments  Schmid et al. (2017)  10.333 
    61  Timing is everything: does early and late germination favor invasions by herbaceous alien plants?  Gioria et al. (2018)  12.201 
    47  Spatial variations in responses of vegetation autumn phenology to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau  Cong et al. (2017)  7.834 
    46  Positive effects of tree species diversity on litterfall quantity and quality along a secondary successional chronosequence in a subtropical forest  Huang et al. (2017)  7.675 
    46  Positive effects of tree species richness on fine-root production in a subtropical forest in SE-China  Sun et al. (2017)  7.675 
    38  The effect of tree size, neighborhood competition and environment on tree growth in an old-growth temperate forest  Zhang et al. (2017)  6.339 
    35  Interspecific and intraspecific variation in specific root length drives aboveground biodiversity effects in young experimental forest stands  Bu et al. (2017)  5.8310 
    33  Crown and leaf traits as predictors of subtropical tree sapling growth rates  Li et al. (2017)  5.50 
    32  The influence of soil on vegetation structure and plant diversity in different tropical savannic and forest habitats  Rodrigues et al. (2018)  6.408 
    (b) Articles published during 2020–2021 
    22  Spatiotemporal variation in leaf size and shape in response to climate  Li et al. (2020)  7.336 
    14  Species-specific responses to drought, salinity and their interactions in Populus euphratica and P. pruinosa seedlings  Yu et al. (2020)  4.67 
    14  Effects of warming on soil respiration during the non-growing seasons in a semiarid temperate steppe  Miao et al. (2020)  4.67 
    13  Sexual differences and sex ratios of dioecious plants under stressful environments  Liu et al. (2021)  6.507 
    13  Contrasting responses of native and alien plant species to soil properties shed new light on the invasion of dune systems  Vitti et al. (2020)  4.33 
    11  The role of soluble sugars during drought in tropical tree seedlings with contrasting tolerances  O’Brien et al. (2020)  3.67 
    10  Interactive effect of climate warming and nitrogen deposition may shift the dynamics of native and invasive species  Ren et al. (2021)  5.00 
    10  Trans-generational effects in the clonal invader Alternanthera philoxeroides  Portela et al. (2020)  3.33 
    Congeneric invasive versus native plants utilize similar inorganic nitrogen forms but have disparate use efficiencies  Yu and He (2021)  4.50 
    The ultraviolet colour component enhances the attractiveness of red flowers of a bee-pollinated plant  Chen et al. (2020)  3.00 

    CPY = citation per year, TC = total citation. 1–10Rank in order of CPY among the 20 articles.

    Table 3:

    Top-cited articles published in JPE

    TC Title Authors (year) CPY
    (a) Articles published during 2017–2021 
    73  On the combined effect of soil fertility and topography on tree growth in subtropical forest ecosystems—a study from SE China  Scholten et al. (2017)  12.172 
    62  A guide to analyzing biodiversity experiments  Schmid et al. (2017)  10.333 
    61  Timing is everything: does early and late germination favor invasions by herbaceous alien plants?  Gioria et al. (2018)  12.201 
    47  Spatial variations in responses of vegetation autumn phenology to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau  Cong et al. (2017)  7.834 
    46  Positive effects of tree species diversity on litterfall quantity and quality along a secondary successional chronosequence in a subtropical forest  Huang et al. (2017)  7.675 
    46  Positive effects of tree species richness on fine-root production in a subtropical forest in SE-China  Sun et al. (2017)  7.675 
    38  The effect of tree size, neighborhood competition and environment on tree growth in an old-growth temperate forest  Zhang et al. (2017)  6.339 
    35  Interspecific and intraspecific variation in specific root length drives aboveground biodiversity effects in young experimental forest stands  Bu et al. (2017)  5.8310 
    33  Crown and leaf traits as predictors of subtropical tree sapling growth rates  Li et al. (2017)  5.50 
    32  The influence of soil on vegetation structure and plant diversity in different tropical savannic and forest habitats  Rodrigues et al. (2018)  6.408 
    (b) Articles published during 2020–2021 
    22  Spatiotemporal variation in leaf size and shape in response to climate  Li et al. (2020)  7.336 
    14  Species-specific responses to drought, salinity and their interactions in Populus euphratica and P. pruinosa seedlings  Yu et al. (2020)  4.67 
    14  Effects of warming on soil respiration during the non-growing seasons in a semiarid temperate steppe  Miao et al. (2020)  4.67 
    13  Sexual differences and sex ratios of dioecious plants under stressful environments  Liu et al. (2021)  6.507 
    13  Contrasting responses of native and alien plant species to soil properties shed new light on the invasion of dune systems  Vitti et al. (2020)  4.33 
    11  The role of soluble sugars during drought in tropical tree seedlings with contrasting tolerances  O’Brien et al. (2020)  3.67 
    10  Interactive effect of climate warming and nitrogen deposition may shift the dynamics of native and invasive species  Ren et al. (2021)  5.00 
    10  Trans-generational effects in the clonal invader Alternanthera philoxeroides  Portela et al. (2020)  3.33 
    Congeneric invasive versus native plants utilize similar inorganic nitrogen forms but have disparate use efficiencies  Yu and He (2021)  4.50 
    The ultraviolet colour component enhances the attractiveness of red flowers of a bee-pollinated plant  Chen et al. (2020)  3.00 
    TC Title Authors (year) CPY
    (a) Articles published during 2017–2021 
    73  On the combined effect of soil fertility and topography on tree growth in subtropical forest ecosystems—a study from SE China  Scholten et al. (2017)  12.172 
    62  A guide to analyzing biodiversity experiments  Schmid et al. (2017)  10.333 
    61  Timing is everything: does early and late germination favor invasions by herbaceous alien plants?  Gioria et al. (2018)  12.201 
    47  Spatial variations in responses of vegetation autumn phenology to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau  Cong et al. (2017)  7.834 
    46  Positive effects of tree species diversity on litterfall quantity and quality along a secondary successional chronosequence in a subtropical forest  Huang et al. (2017)  7.675 
    46  Positive effects of tree species richness on fine-root production in a subtropical forest in SE-China  Sun et al. (2017)  7.675 
    38  The effect of tree size, neighborhood competition and environment on tree growth in an old-growth temperate forest  Zhang et al. (2017)  6.339 
    35  Interspecific and intraspecific variation in specific root length drives aboveground biodiversity effects in young experimental forest stands  Bu et al. (2017)  5.8310 
    33  Crown and leaf traits as predictors of subtropical tree sapling growth rates  Li et al. (2017)  5.50 
    32  The influence of soil on vegetation structure and plant diversity in different tropical savannic and forest habitats  Rodrigues et al. (2018)  6.408 
    (b) Articles published during 2020–2021 
    22  Spatiotemporal variation in leaf size and shape in response to climate  Li et al. (2020)  7.336 
    14  Species-specific responses to drought, salinity and their interactions in Populus euphratica and P. pruinosa seedlings  Yu et al. (2020)  4.67 
    14  Effects of warming on soil respiration during the non-growing seasons in a semiarid temperate steppe  Miao et al. (2020)  4.67 
    13  Sexual differences and sex ratios of dioecious plants under stressful environments  Liu et al. (2021)  6.507 
    13  Contrasting responses of native and alien plant species to soil properties shed new light on the invasion of dune systems  Vitti et al. (2020)  4.33 
    11  The role of soluble sugars during drought in tropical tree seedlings with contrasting tolerances  O’Brien et al. (2020)  3.67 
    10  Interactive effect of climate warming and nitrogen deposition may shift the dynamics of native and invasive species  Ren et al. (2021)  5.00 
    10  Trans-generational effects in the clonal invader Alternanthera philoxeroides  Portela et al. (2020)  3.33 
    Congeneric invasive versus native plants utilize similar inorganic nitrogen forms but have disparate use efficiencies  Yu and He (2021)  4.50 
    The ultraviolet colour component enhances the attractiveness of red flowers of a bee-pollinated plant  Chen et al. (2020)  3.00 

    CPY = citation per year, TC = total citation. 1–10Rank in order of CPY among the 20 articles.

    Co-occurrence network of keywords

    The co-occurrence network of KeyWords Plus in JPE was generated using the ‘biblioNetwork’ function in the ‘bibliometrix’ package (Aria and Cuccurullo 2017) (Fig. 2). The definition of KeyWords Plus by Web of Science is that ‘KeyWords Plus are index terms automatically generated from the titles of cited articles. KeyWords Plus terms must appear more than once in the bibliography and are ordered from multi-word phrases to single terms. KeyWords Plus augments traditional keyword or title retrieval.’ (Web of Science Core Collection Help; In the co-occurrence network, a total of 50 keywords are displayed based on the points’ relative position (Singh et al. 2022) and grouped into four clusters. The red zone (Cluster 1) indicates the diversity theme, the green zone (Cluster 2) represents the climate-change theme, the purple zone (Cluster 3) shows the theme of evolution and the blue zone (Cluster 4) displays the theme of plants. Briefly, diversity and climate change are the main topics that appear mostly in research articles published in JPE during 2017–2021 (Fig. 2).

    Figure 2:

    Co-occurrence network of keywords plus in JPE papers during 2017–2021.

    Conceptual structure map of keywords

    A conceptual structure map of keywords was created based on multiple correspondences analysis (MCA). The conceptual structure map shows the relationship between one word and another by regional mapping, and each word is positioned according to the values of dimension 1 (Dim 1) and dimension 2 (Dim 2). MCA is used in bibliometric analysis, to develop a map between words with relatively similar values (Rahaman et al. 2022). The conceptual structure map can be used to identify clusters of documents that express common concepts (Aria and Cuccurullo 2017). A total of 50 words were grouped into two clusters on the map. The red zone (Cluster 1) represents the theme of climate change (how plants respond to environmental changes), and the blue zone (Cluster 2) indicates the theme of evolution (Fig. 3). In addition, the red zone includes a higher number and variety of words, suggesting that many research articles published in JPE during 2017–2021 are relevant to these themes shown in this region (Fig. 3). Moreover, the documents that make the most contribution associated with the two clusters are shown in Table 4, and five papers are detected for each of the cluster. The five articles with high contributions in Cluster 1 focused on plant communities (Ochoa-Hueso et al. 2021; Wei et al. 2019; Xu et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2020a, 2020b), and the other five articles most representative of Cluster 2 focused on specific plant species (Kirschbaum et al. 2021; Liu et al. 2020; Smith et al. 2021; Yu and He 2021; Zeng et al. 2017).

    Table 4:

    Papers with strongest associations with two main themes in JPE during 2017–2021

    Title Author (year) Contributes
    Cluster 1: climate change theme 
    Experimental evidence for weakened tree nutrient use and resorption efficiencies under severe drought in a subtropical monsoon forest  Xu et al. (2020)  4.16 
    Root production, mortality and turnover in soil profiles as affected by clipping in a temperate grassland on the Loess Plateau  Wei et al. (2019)  4.16 
    Understorey plant community assemblage of Australian Eucalyptus woodlands under elevated CO2 is modulated by water and phosphorus availability  Ochoa-Hueso et al. (2021)  3.81 
    Fluorescence characterization and microbial degradation of dissolved organic matter leached from salt marsh plants in the Yellow River Delta  Zhang et al. (2020a)  3.19 
    Characteristics of fungal community structure during the decomposition of mixed foliage litter from Pinus massoniana and broadleaved tree species in southwestern China  Zhang et al. (2020b)  3.15 
    Cluster 2: evolution theme 
    Variation in regrowth ability in relation to land-use intensity in three common grassland herbs  Kirschbaum et al. (2021)  3.97 
    Species-specific effects of genetic diversity and species diversity of experimental communities on early tree performance  Zeng et al. (2017)  2.70 
    Linking plant spatial aggregation with reproductive traits and near-source seed dispersal: ecological adaptation to heavy grazing  Liu et al. (2020)  2.11 
    Congeneric invasive versus native plants utilize similar inorganic nitrogen forms but have disparate use efficiencies  Yu and He (2021)  1.76 
    Invasive plant rhizome production and competitiveness vary based on neighbor identity  Smith et al. (2021)  1.66 
    Title Author (year) Contributes
    Cluster 1: climate change theme 
    Experimental evidence for weakened tree nutrient use and resorption efficiencies under severe drought in a subtropical monsoon forest  Xu et al. (2020)  4.16 
    Root production, mortality and turnover in soil profiles as affected by clipping in a temperate grassland on the Loess Plateau  Wei et al. (2019)  4.16 
    Understorey plant community assemblage of Australian Eucalyptus woodlands under elevated CO2 is modulated by water and phosphorus availability  Ochoa-Hueso et al. (2021)  3.81 
    Fluorescence characterization and microbial degradation of dissolved organic matter leached from salt marsh plants in the Yellow River Delta  Zhang et al. (2020a)  3.19 
    Characteristics of fungal community structure during the decomposition of mixed foliage litter from Pinus massoniana and broadleaved tree species in southwestern China  Zhang et al. (2020b)  3.15 
    Cluster 2: evolution theme 
    Variation in regrowth ability in relation to land-use intensity in three common grassland herbs  Kirschbaum et al. (2021)  3.97 
    Species-specific effects of genetic diversity and species diversity of experimental communities on early tree performance  Zeng et al. (2017)  2.70 
    Linking plant spatial aggregation with reproductive traits and near-source seed dispersal: ecological adaptation to heavy grazing  Liu et al. (2020)  2.11 
    Congeneric invasive versus native plants utilize similar inorganic nitrogen forms but have disparate use efficiencies  Yu and He (2021)  1.76 
    Invasive plant rhizome production and competitiveness vary based on neighbor identity  Smith et al. (2021)  1.66 
    Table 4:

    Papers with strongest associations with two main themes in JPE during 2017–2021

    Title Author (year) Contributes
    Cluster 1: climate change theme 
    Experimental evidence for weakened tree nutrient use and resorption efficiencies under severe drought in a subtropical monsoon forest  Xu et al. (2020)  4.16 
    Root production, mortality and turnover in soil profiles as affected by clipping in a temperate grassland on the Loess Plateau  Wei et al. (2019)  4.16 
    Understorey plant community assemblage of Australian Eucalyptus woodlands under elevated CO2 is modulated by water and phosphorus availability  Ochoa-Hueso et al. (2021)  3.81 
    Fluorescence characterization and microbial degradation of dissolved organic matter leached from salt marsh plants in the Yellow River Delta  Zhang et al. (2020a)  3.19 
    Characteristics of fungal community structure during the decomposition of mixed foliage litter from Pinus massoniana and broadleaved tree species in southwestern China  Zhang et al. (2020b)  3.15 
    Cluster 2: evolution theme 
    Variation in regrowth ability in relation to land-use intensity in three common grassland herbs  Kirschbaum et al. (2021)  3.97 
    Species-specific effects of genetic diversity and species diversity of experimental communities on early tree performance  Zeng et al. (2017)  2.70 
    Linking plant spatial aggregation with reproductive traits and near-source seed dispersal: ecological adaptation to heavy grazing  Liu et al. (2020)  2.11 
    Congeneric invasive versus native plants utilize similar inorganic nitrogen forms but have disparate use efficiencies  Yu and He (2021)  1.76 
    Invasive plant rhizome production and competitiveness vary based on neighbor identity  Smith et al. (2021)  1.66 
    Title Author (year) Contributes
    Cluster 1: climate change theme 
    Experimental evidence for weakened tree nutrient use and resorption efficiencies under severe drought in a subtropical monsoon forest  Xu et al. (2020)  4.16 
    Root production, mortality and turnover in soil profiles as affected by clipping in a temperate grassland on the Loess Plateau  Wei et al. (2019)  4.16 
    Understorey plant community assemblage of Australian Eucalyptus woodlands under elevated CO2 is modulated by water and phosphorus availability  Ochoa-Hueso et al. (2021)  3.81 
    Fluorescence characterization and microbial degradation of dissolved organic matter leached from salt marsh plants in the Yellow River Delta  Zhang et al. (2020a)  3.19 
    Characteristics of fungal community structure during the decomposition of mixed foliage litter from Pinus massoniana and broadleaved tree species in southwestern China  Zhang et al. (2020b)  3.15 
    Cluster 2: evolution theme 
    Variation in regrowth ability in relation to land-use intensity in three common grassland herbs  Kirschbaum et al. (2021)  3.97 
    Species-specific effects of genetic diversity and species diversity of experimental communities on early tree performance  Zeng et al. (2017)  2.70 
    Linking plant spatial aggregation with reproductive traits and near-source seed dispersal: ecological adaptation to heavy grazing  Liu et al. (2020)  2.11 
    Congeneric invasive versus native plants utilize similar inorganic nitrogen forms but have disparate use efficiencies  Yu and He (2021)  1.76 
    Invasive plant rhizome production and competitiveness vary based on neighbor identity  Smith et al. (2021)  1.66 
    Figure 3:

    Conceptual structure map of keywords plus in the JPE papers during 2017–2021.

    Thematic analysis through bibliographic coupling

    The thematic map of keywords is created with 250 words being grouped into 17 clusters. The sizes of the bubbles on the map depend on the number of publications in which the keywords appear (Rejeb et al. 2022). Themes with high density and high centrality, appearing in the first quadrant and namely motor themes, have strong internal and external ties, which are important and well developed. Themes with high density and low centrality, namely niche themes, have well-developed internal ties and marginally significant external ties, which appear in the second quadrant. Themes with low density and centrality in the third quadrant, namely emerging-or-declining themes, have both weak internal and external ties. Themes with low density and high centrality appearing in the fourth quadrant, namely basic themes, suggest well-developed external ties and unimportant internal ties. As shown in the map (Fig. 4), the themes including the keywords of rain-forest, leaf traits and leaf area are important and well developed in JPE during 2017–2021.

    Figure 4:

    Thematic map of keywords plus in the JPE papers during 2017–2021.

    In conclusion, as a relatively young journal dedicated to all fields of plant ecology, JPE has established distinct features covering topics from microcosm to macrocosm, with diversity and climate change as the most frequently appearing key words. We encourage authors to submit their manuscripts from widely ranging topics of classical and contemporary ecology to JPE. We thank the authors, editors and readers for their consistent support to JPE, and we continue to aim building JPE as an internationally recognized journal with global impact.

    Conflict of interest statement. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

IF: 3.0
5-year IF: 2.5
Yuanhe Yang
Bernhard Schmid
CN 10-1172/Q
ISSN 1752-9921(print)
ISSN 1752-993X(online)