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Xin Chen, Yujue Wang, Yuting Shen, Weiguo Sang, Nengwen Xiao, Chunwang Xiao.
Soil prokaryotic characterization in response to natural moisture gradient in the temperate grassland ecosystems
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Zixuan Wang, Zhihu Sun, Jinyao Cui.
Time lag effect on solar radiation of tree sap flux density for different DBH of Larix olgensis
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Mathias Christina, Céline Gire, Mark R. Bakker, Alan Leckie, Jianming Xue, Peter W. Clinton, Zaira Negrin-Perez, José Ramon Arevalo Sierra, Jean-Christophe Domec, Maya Gonzalez.
Native and invasive seedling drought-resistance under elevated temperature in common gorse populations
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Tongrui Zhang, Frank Yonghong Li, Lin Wu, Hao Wang, Yanlong Li, Chunjun Shi.
Seasonal grazing alters nutrient resorption and conservation, and affects spring growth of Stipa grandis
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Increased precipitation magnifies the effects of N addition on performance of invasive plants in subtropical native communities
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Guiling Wu, Jay Gao, Weiyou Ou, Jizhong Wan and Xilai Li.
Effects of the hummock–depression microhabitat on plant communities of alpine marshy meadows in the Yellow River Source Zone, China
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Zhi Zheng, Yue Zhang, Shihu Zhang, Qun Ma, Dajie Gong and Guoying Zhou.
Above- and belowground trait linkages of dominant species shape responses of alpine steppe composition to precipitation changes in the Tibetan Plateau
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Zijing Li, Maowei Liang, Zhiyong Li, Pierre Mariotte, Xuze Tong, Jinghui Zhang, Lei Dong, Ying Zheng, Wenhong Ma, Liqing Zhao, Lixin Wang, Lu Wen, Indree Tuvshintogtokh, Elise S. Gornish, Zhenhua Dang, Cunzhu Liang and Frank Yonghong Li.
Plant functional groups mediate effects of climate and soil factors on species richness and community biomass in grasslands of Mongolian Plateau
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Geographical variation in germination traits of the salt-marsh cordgrass Spartina alterniflora in its invasive and native ranges
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José Djalma de Souza, Bruno Ayron de Souza Aguiar, Danielle Melo dos Santos, Vanessa Kelly Rodrigues de Araujo, Júlia Arruda Simões, Juliana Ramos de Andrade and Elcida de Lima Araújo.
Dynamics in the emergence of dormant and non-dormant herbaceous species from the soil seed bank from a Brazilian dry forest
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Changes in vegetation and soil properties following 6 years of enclosure in riparian corridors
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María Pérez-Fernández, Carole P. Elliott, Alex Valentine and José Antonio Oyola.
Seed provenance determines germination responses of Rumex crispus (L.) under water stress and nutrient availability
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Opposite effects of nitrogen fertilization and plastic film mulching on crop N and P stoichiometry in a temperate agroecosystem
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The influence of disturbance on driving carbon stocks and tree dynamics of riparian forests in Cerrado
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