J Plant Ecol ›› 2023, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (2): rtac068.DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtac068

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A comparative study reveals the key biological traits causing bioinvasion differences among four alien species of genus Veronica in China

Yujing Liu1,†, Hairong Wu1,2,†, Congyan Wang3, Jiliang Cheng1, Sheng Qiang1,*   

  1. 1Weed Research Laboratory, Nanjing Agriculture University, Nanjing 210095, China;
    2Guangzhou Customs District Technology Center, Guangzhou 510623, China;
    3Institute of Environment and Ecology & School of the Environment and Safety Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
  • Received:2021-11-03 Revised:2022-01-26 Accepted:2022-05-22 Online:2022-06-15 Published:2023-04-01
  • Contact: E-mail: wrl@njau.edu.cn
  • About author:†These authors contributed equally to this work.


Abstract: The four alien farmland weeds of genus Veronica (i.e. V. arvensis, V. didyma, V. hederifolia and V. persica) have successfully colonized in China, but caused different ecological consequences in the colonized habitats. However, the key biological traits conferring bioinvasion differences under different light conditions among the four alien species of Veronica remain unknown. A comprehensive contrastive analysis experiment was conducted to assess the contribution of the intensity of photosynthetic and sexual and asexual reproductive traits of the four alien Veronica weeds to their invasion level in both field trial and laboratory. The field survey showed that V. persica had the highest invasion level, followed by V. didyma, V. hederifolia and V. arvensis. Their invasiveness was mainly attributed to photosynthetic-related parameters (LMA) and asexual reproduction traits (the ratio of adventitious roots) out of all the 22 tested indexes. The photosynthetic-related and some asexual reproduction indexes from separate determinations under both sun and shade conditions showed that V. persica was able to adapt to strong illumination but was more tolerant of shade than the other species. This adaptive differentiation to illumination conferred different competitiveness over crops on the four alien Veronica weeds by allocating resources to the biomass of each organ in farmland. It may be concluded that the adaptability to illumination conditions and the asexual reproduction traits may endow their successful invasion and become different important farmland weeds.

Key words: Veronica, Invasiveness, Infestation level, Photosynthetic efficiency, reproductive capacity

婆婆纳属(Veronica)4种外来农田杂草——波斯婆婆纳(V. persica)、婆婆纳(V. didyma)、直立婆婆纳(V. arvensis)、睫毛婆婆纳(V. hederifolia)已在我国成功定植,但造成了不同的生态危害。目前,这4种外来农田杂草在不同光照条件下造成不同入侵程度的关键生物学性状尚不清楚。本研究对这4种外来物种的22个光合和繁殖性状进行了测定,同时对这些指标对其入侵水平的贡献强度进行了综合对比分析。野外调查结果表明,波斯婆婆纳的入侵水平最高,其次是婆婆纳、睫毛婆婆纳和直立婆婆纳。在这22个性状中,入侵水平的高低主要取决于它们的比叶重(光合相关参数)和不定根比例(无性繁殖性状)。而且,波斯婆婆纳能够适应较强的光照,同时也比婆婆纳属其它3个物种更耐荫。这4种外来农田杂草在不同光照条件下通过调整各器官生物量实现对光照的适应性分化,从而使得它们对作物具有不同的竞争力。由此可以推断,对光照条件的适应性和无性繁殖性状可使其成功入侵,并成为具有不同入侵程度的农田杂草。

关键词: 婆婆纳属(Veronica), 入侵性, 入侵水平, 光合作用效率, 繁殖能力