Clonal integration benefits clonal plants by buffering environmental stress and increasing resource extraction efficiency. However, the number of connected ramet generations that benefit from clonal integration in a clonal system has received relatively little attention. A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the extent of physiological integration within the clonal system of Vallisneria natans consisting of a mother ramet and three sequentially connected offspring ramets. Mother ramets were grown in full sunlight, and offspring ramets were heavily shaded with limited light availability. Stolons between mother ramets and offspring ramets were severed or connected, but connection among the three offspring ramets remained. The photosynthetic ability of unshaded mother ramets of V. natans was significantly enhanced, but their biomass accumulation was greatly reduced when connected to shaded offspring ramets. Clonal integration significantly increased biomass accumulation, C and N availabilities, extracellular enzyme activities and microbial biomass of the first ramet generation (adjacent ramet), but not later ramet generations. Our results indicate that support from the mother ramet of V. natans may be limited to the adjacent offspring ramet in a clonal system under severe light stress, implying an effect of ramet generation. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the hierarchy and segmentation of clonal plants. These findings suggest that the extent of clonal integration plays a vital role in ecological interactions of the ramet population.
克隆整合影响严重光胁迫下第一分株世代的生长和沉积物特征但不影响 后续分株世代的生长和沉积物特征
克隆整合通过缓冲环境压力和提高资源获取效率使克隆植物受益。然而,在一个克隆系统中,受益于克隆整合的连接分株世代的数量很少受到关注。我们进行了一个盆栽实验来评估沉水植物苦草 (Vallisneria natans)克隆系统内的生理整合程度,该克隆系统由一个母株和3个依次连接的后代分株组成。 母株生长在正常光照下,而后代分株被严重遮荫。母株与后代分株间的匍匐茎被切断或保持连接,但3个后代分株之间的连接仍然存在。与遮荫的后代分株连接时,苦草未遮荫的母株的光合能力显著增强,但其生物量积累大大减少。克隆整合显著增加了第一分株世代(相邻分株)的生物量积累和土壤的碳氮可用性、胞外酶活性和微生物生物量,但没有增加后续分株世代的这些特征。我们的结果表明,在严重光胁迫下,来自苦草母株的支持可能仅限于克隆系统中相邻的后代分株,这暗示着一个分株世代的效应。我们的结果有助于更好地理解克隆植物的层次结构和分段化。这些发现表明克隆整合程度在分株种群的生态相互作用中起着至关重要的作用。
苦草(Vallisneria natans)