Litter is the crucial carrier of soil nutrition transformation. The influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on nutrient acquisition in plants has been widely recognized. However, in nutrient-deficient karst habitat, how competitive plants utilize nutrients regulated by AM fungi via litter remain largely unknown. The experimental treatments included the inoculation with or without Glomus etunicatum, the litter addition by the mixed leaves of Broussonetia papyrifera and Carpinus pubescens or no addition, and the competition through the intraspecific competition of B. papyrifera and C. pubescens, respectively, and the interspecific competition mixed both plants. AM fungi differently affected plant on nutrient acquisition, increasing nutrients acquisitions of B. papyrifera in intra- and interspecific competitions while decreasing for C. pubescens. Litter presented opposite influences on N acquisitions of both plants in interspecific competition with AM fungi, being positive for C. pubescens and negative for B. papyrifera, respectively. Under the interaction of AM fungi and litter, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) acquisitions by B. papyrifera and N acquisition by C. pubescens in interspecific competition were all greater than intraspecific competition. In the interspecific competition, the competitive ability of plants on nutrient absorption presented significant species difference, which of B. papyrifera on P and K was significantly increased, while was converse for C. pubescens on K. In conclusion, these results suggest that the interspecific competition presents greater nutrient facilitation compared with intraspecific competition through AM fungi interacting with litter for plants in karst soil.
AM 真菌和枯落物互作下两种喀斯特植物种间竞争较种内竞争更能促进植物养分利用
枯落物是植物养分获取和土壤养分转化的关键载体。丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhizae, AM)对植物养分摄取的影响已被广泛认知。然而,在养分亏缺的喀斯特生境中,不同竞争方式的植物如何通过AM真菌和枯落物利用养分尚不清楚。本研究对两种喀斯特适生植物构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)和云贵鹅耳枥(Carpinus pubescens)进行种内竞争和种 间竞争种植处理,并通过幼套球 囊霉(Glomus etunicatum)接种或不接种处理,以及土壤中添加或不添加两物种叶片混合枯落物处理,测定了植物生物量以及氮、磷、钾浓度等指标,研究植物的生长和养分利用。研究结果表明,AM真菌对两种植物养分摄取影响不同,AM真菌显著提高了种内和种间竞争下构树的养分摄取量,但降低了云贵鹅耳枥的养分摄取量。种间竞争下接种AM真菌,枯落物添加促进了云贵鹅耳枥对氮的摄取,抑制了构树对氮的摄取。接种AM真菌和添加枯落物条件下,种间竞争的构树对氮、磷和钾的摄取量及云贵鹅耳枥对氮的摄取量均高于种内竞争;种间竞争下两物种养分竞争力呈现明显差异,即构树对磷和钾养分竞争力显著提高,对氮则不显著;云贵鹅耳枥仅对钾的养分竞争力显著降低,对氮和磷则无显著影响。这些结果说明,在AM真菌与枯落物相互作用下,两种喀斯特植物种间竞争较种内竞争更能促进植物养分利用。