J Plant Ecol ›› 2022, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (1): 26-38 .DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtab053

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Influence of anthropic and eco-hydrological factors on the floristic diversity of the herbaceous vegetation around the temporary ponds in Ferlo, northern Senegal

Ndiabou Faye1,2,3,4,5, Aly Diallo6, Moustapha Bassimbé Sagna1, Jean Luc Peiry7, Papa Saliou Sarr8, and Aliou Guisse1,2,3,4,5,*   

  1. 1 Département de Biologie Végétale, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal, 2 IRL3189 Environment, Santé, Sociétés, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifques (CNRS), Paris, France, 3 IRL3189 Environnement, Santé, Sociétés, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal, 4 Observatoire international Hommes Milieux -OHMi Tessekere, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal, 5 Observatoire international Hommes Milieux -OHMi Tessekere, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifque (CNRS), Paris, France, 6 Departement d’Agroforesterie, Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor, Zinguinchor, Senegal, 7 Département de Géographie, Université de Clermont Ferrand, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 8 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan

    *Corresponding author. E-mail: aliou.guisse@ucad.edu.sn
  • Received:2020-12-04 Revised:2020-12-18 Accepted:2021-04-29 Online:2021-06-04 Published:2022-02-01


Temporary ponds play substantial roles in preserving biodiversity in the Sahel. This study investigated the influence of anthropic and eco-hydrological factors on the plant diversity around two grazed ponds and one ungrazed pond in Ferlo, northern Senegal. Two phytoecological transects were established per pond. On each transect, homogenous herbaceous vegetation units were identified and characterized (herbaceous cover, exposure, soil texture, soil moisture and pH, average height and slope). The herbaceous flora comprised 55 species, 41 genera and 22 families across the three ponds. Species of the Poaceae, particularly Eragrostis tremula and Enteropogon prieurii, mostly colonized the grazed ponds, while the ungrazed pond favored other families’ species such as Achyranthes sp., Commelina forsskaolii, Corchorus sp. The Shannon’s diversity index (H′) of Wendu Marodi (ungrazed pond) was slightly higher (4.9 bits) than that of Belel Lougal and Belel Sow (grazed ponds) with 4.8 and 4.5 bits, respectively. The equitability indices were relatively high in the three ponds (0.85, 0.83 and 0.78). Eco-ecological factors distinguished four species’ groupings: a Tribulus terrestris grouping colonizing the constraining and over-grazed zones, a Digitaria horizontalis grouping, and Chloris barbata grouping found in the transition zones, and an Achyranthes aspera grouping in the wetlands, where woody plants were strongly present and the anthropic action low. This study highlighted the importance of maintaining a landscape mosaic of ungrazed or semi-protected ponds and grazed ponds to preserve the herbaceous floristic diversity in the center of Ferlo (Senegal) and the Sahel in general.

Key words: ponds, Ferlo, grazing, herbaceous vegetation, transect



在萨赫勒,临时池塘在保护物种多样性方面起着重要作用。本研究考察了塞内加尔北部费罗地区的两个放牧池塘以及一个未放牧池塘,探讨了人类活动与生态水文因素对池塘周边植物多样性的影响。每个池塘建立两条植物生态样带,确定并记录每条样带上平均植被单元情况(包括植被覆盖度、土壤暴露度、土壤质地、土壤湿度和酸碱度、平均高度以及坡度等)。研究结果表明,3个池塘周边共有 草本植物22科41属55种。放牧池塘周边多为禾本科植物,尤其是画眉草属(Eragrostis tremula)与肠须草属 (Enteropogon prieurii)植物,未放牧池塘周边则主要为其他科类植物,如牛膝属(Achyranthes sp.)、鸭跖草属(Commelina forsskaolii)、黄麻属(Corchorus sp.)植物等。Wendu Marodi池塘(未放牧池塘)的香农物种多样性指数(H′)为4.9,略高于Belel Lougal池塘和Belel Sow池塘(放牧池塘),这两个池塘的香农物种多样性指数分别为4.8和4.5。3个池塘的种类平均性指数相对都较高,分别为0.85、0.83和0.78。根据生态因子可分出4个物种群:蒺藜(Tribulus terrestris)种群,集中在限牧区与过度放牧区;平枝马唐(Digitaria horizontalis)种群与孟仁草(Chloris barbata)种群,见于过度带;以及土牛膝(Achyranthes aspera)种群,生长在人类活动较少且草本植物丰富的湿地。本研究强调了维持未放牧池塘或半保护池塘与放牧池塘景观镶嵌结构的重要性,以保护塞内加尔中心与萨赫勒地区草本植物的多样性。

关键词: 池塘, 费罗, 放牧, 草本植被, 样带