J Plant Ecol ›› 2021, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 717-729 .DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtab027

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Disentangling spatial, environmental and historical effects on tropical forest tree species turnover

Alisson Borges Miranda Santos1,*, Vinicius Andrade Maia1, Cléber Rodrigo de Souza1, Nathalle Cristine Alencar Fagundes2,3, Fernanda Moreira Gianasi3, Aurélio de Jesus Rodrigues Pais4, Natália de Aguiar-Campos1, Gabriela Gomes Pires1, Diego Teixeira Girardelli1, Jean Daniel Morel1, Mariana Caroline Moreira Morelli1, Felipe de Carvalho Araújo3 and Rubens Manoel dos Santos1   

  1. 1 Department of Forestry Sciences, Federal University of Lavras, University Campus, Lavras, Brazil, 2 Biological Sciences, University of the State of Minas Gerais, Ituiutaba Unit, Ituiutaba, Brazil, 3 Department of Biology, Federal University of Lavras, University Campus, Lavras, Brazil, 4 Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Natural Resources, Zambeze University, Chimoio, Mozambique

    *Corresponding author. E-mail: alissonborges@globomail.com
  • Received:2020-06-24 Revised:2020-10-13 Accepted:2021-02-26 Online:2021-03-26 Published:2021-08-01



We aimed at disentangling the effects of spatial distance, current and past environmental dissimilarity, and their combinations on tree community taxonomic and phylogenetic turnover by addressing the following questions: (i) Is tree community taxonomic and phylogenetic turnover related to the indirect effects of spatial distance via environmental dissimilarity? (ii) Does tree community taxonomic and phylogenetic turnover respond to paleoclimate (Last Glacial Maximum and Mid-Holocene)?


The study was carried out in 14 Atlantic rainforest sites in Brazil (20.4 ha sampled) containing 615 tree species from 83 plant families. We obtained plot-level geographic coordinates and soil variables and site-level bioclimatic variables in the current, Mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum. We used structural equation models with a distance-based approach to (i) test the direct effects of spatial distance and environmental dissimilarity and (ii) test the indirect effects of spatial distance via environmental dissimilarity on taxonomic (Bray–Curtis distance) and phylogenetic turnover (Comdist and Comdistnt distances).

Important Findings

Our results suggest a weak indirect effect of spatial distance via environmental dissimilarity on taxonomic and phylogenetic turnover. Tree community turnover was driven by the direct effects of neutral, niche-based and historical processes. Thus, we inferred that the paleoclimate (historical processes) promoted the selection of the clades that gave rise to the current flora, while spatial distances (neutral processes) limited the dispersal range of species from the regional pool and environmental conditions (niche-based processes) locally selected the taxa that are able to persist.

Key words: assembly processes, phylogenetic communities, environmental filtering, neutral communities, phylogenetic turnover, ecological niche, paleoclimate effects

本文通过回答以下问题来分析空间距离、当前和过去的环境差异及这几个因素对树木群落分类和系统发育转换的影响:(i)树木群落分类和系统发育转换是否与空间距离通过环境差异产生的间接影响相关?(ii)树木群落分类和系统发育转换是否随古气候(末次盛冰期和中全新世)的变化而变化?本文对巴西的14个大西洋雨林样点(采样面积20.4 ha) 83个科615个种进行了研究,获得了当前、中全新世和末次盛冰 期的地块地理坐标、土壤变量和样点生物气候变量。我们使用基于距离的结构方程模型(SEM)来(i)检测空间距离和环境差异的直接影响,以及(ii)检测空间距离通过环境差异对分类(Bray-Curtis距离)和系统发育转换(Comdist和Comdistnt距离)的间接影响。研究结果表明,空间距离通过环境差异对分类和系统发育转换的间接影响较弱。基于生态位中性的历史过程带来的直接影响驱动了树木群落的转换。因此,我们推断古气候(历史过程)促进了产生当前植物区系分支的选择,而空间距离(中性的过程)限制了物种从区域种库向外扩散的范围,环境条件(基于生态位的过程)则在本地选择能够持续生存的分类群。

关键词: 聚类过程, 系统发育群落, 环境过滤, 中性群落, 系统发育转换, 生态位, 古气候效应